General Overview
Slovenia, located in Central Europe, is known for its robust economy driven by manufacturing, services, and exports. It is a member of the European Union and offers a strong framework for employee rights and social security.
Employment Contracts
Employment contracts in Slovenia must be in writing and are considered valid once signed by both parties. Contracts can be for definite (up to 2 years) or indefinite periods and can include full-time or part-time work.
Probation Period
- Probationary periods range from 1 to 6 months, depending on the employment category.
- During the probation period, either party can terminate the contract with a 7-day notice due to unsatisfactory performance.
Working Hours
- Standard working hours: 40 hours per week (minimum 36 hours in some cases).
- Overtime is limited to 8 hours per week, 20 hours per month, or 170 hours per year (up to 230 hours annually with special agreements).
- Rest periods include 12 uninterrupted hours daily and at least 24 hours weekly.
Vacation Days
Employees are entitled to 4 weeks of annual leave regardless of employment type. For part-time or short-term employment, leave is calculated proportionally.
Sick Leave
- Employees can take up to 3 consecutive days off without a doctor’s certificate.
- Sick pay: 80% of salary for non-work-related illnesses or injuries. 100% of salary for work-related injuries or illnesses.
- Employers pay for the first 30 days of absence, with the state covering costs beyond this period.
Wages and Salary Payment
- Minimum wage for 2024: €1,300 per month (€15,600 annually, across 12 payments).
- Salaries must be paid within 18 days after the end of the payment period, directly to the employee’s bank account.
Public Holidays
Slovenia observes 15 national public holidays, including:
- January 1 & 2: New Year’s Holidays.
- April 27: Day of Uprising Against the Occupation.
- May 1 & 2: Labor Day.
- June 25: Statehood Day.
- December 26: Independence and Unity Day.
Employer Taxes
Employers contribute 16.10% of gross wages to social security:
- Pension insurance: 8.85%.
- Health insurance: 6.36%.
- Unemployment insurance: 0.06%.
- Injury insurance: 0.53%.
- Parental insurance: 0.10%.
Employee Taxes
Employees contribute 22.10% of their salary to social security:
- Pension insurance: 15.50%.
- Health insurance: 6.36%.
- Unemployment insurance: 0.14%.
- Parental insurance: 0.10%.
Income is taxed progressively between 16% and 45%, based on earnings.
Notice Period
Notice periods depend on the length of service: 15 days for employment under 1 year. Up to 80 days for service exceeding 25 years.
For termination due to employee fault, the notice period is 15 days unless otherwise stated.
Termination and Severance Pay
- Severance pay is mandatory for employees with at least 1 year of continuous employment.
- The amount depends on tenure and average monthly salary but is capped at 10 times the monthly salary, unless specified otherwise in collective agreements.